Our Story

Burton Enright Welch is an independent, fee-only firm in Walnut Creek, California with clients across 30+ states. The firm was founded in 1989. As our team has grown over the past three decades, we have remained focused on delivering a high standard of service, treating our clients’ families like our own.

 “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”

Warren Buffett

Meet Our Team

Our multi-generational team of advisors and dedicated client services team are committed to demystifying financial decisions and providing straightforward, accessible information to give you peace of mind.


Our Clients

At Burton Enright Welch, everything we do centers around the relationships we form with our clients and our commitment to them. Our partnership extends far beyond portfolio allocations and performance reports. As planners, we embrace complexity and over three decades we have developed proven expertise in handling a wide range of market conditions, complicated family dynamics, and planning challenges. This may be your first time navigating a particular financial planning or investment issue, but you can rest assured that you’re in capable and experienced hands here.

  • We do not have an investment minimum for new clients. Yet, we are selective about who we work with because we prize long-lasting and impactful relationships, and we want to work with clients whose needs are well aligned with our approach. This allows us to remain independent and preserve an intimate, team-oriented culture. The relationships that we add the most value to have certain hallmarks:

    • Frequent communication

    • Full financial engagement

    • Familiarity with goals and concerns

    We welcome the opportunity to discuss with you whether we might be a match.